The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) was established in 1975 by the heads of states of the 15 member countries with the major mandate to enhance regional integration within the sub-regions and general improvement of the lives of its citizens by promoting trade within the region and ensuring peace and security within the region. The ECOWAS Commission is one of the institutions of ECOWAS and the administrative arm of the institution is located in Abuja Nigeria. In order to meet its objectives, the institution developed a regional strategic plan which was evaluated after 5 years. The findings of the report mentioned human capacity and funding as the major reasons the objectives are not met. ECOWAS Commission employs people annually for carrying out its objectives. What could be the reasons that the human capacity is not performing to its maximum expectation? There might be major reasons but this research seeks to look at it from the beginning of the employee’s journey in the organization which starts with the recruitment and selection process. The study, therefore, seeks to analyse the assessment techniques used for recruitment and selection in ECOWAS and investigate which other assessment techniques that can be included to ensure that only qualified employees are recruited into the ECOWAS Commission. The method used for this research was survey method where questionnaires were used to gather data from the staff of the commission, on which assessment techniques will be best, suited for the recruitment and selection process of the Commission. 9 assessment techniques were studied and the respondent staff of the commission opined that 7 of the techniques should be included in the selection processes to ensure that only quality candidates are selected into the commission. For ECOWAS Commission to maximize its recruitment and selection process, other innovative and modern assessment techniques should be included especially in the selection process of management positions.

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